Design Punk
Tokyo Type Directors Club Annual Awards 2021╱Selected
《Design Punk設計叛客》2020年一個新興的神秘組織,為朝陽科技大學視覺傳達設計系畢業展的形象設計。 口號“Break,Build.”—— 破壞即建造。
"Design Punk" is an emerging mysterious organization in 2020, designed for the graduation exhibition of the Department of Visual Communication Design of Chaoyang University. The slogan is "Break, Build."-Breaking is building.
"Design Punk" is an emerging mysterious organization in 2020, designed for the graduation exhibition of the Department of Visual Communication Design of Chaoyang University. The slogan is "Break, Build."-Breaking is building.

《Design Punk設計叛客》2020年一個新興的神秘組織,為朝陽科技大學視覺傳達設計系畢業展的形象設計。 口號“Break,Build.”—— 破壞即建造。破壞人型既有的黃金比例、編排的平衡等,拼湊不同手法與衝突色相,嘗試在亂中有序裡取得平衡,建造新觀點,試圖產出新世代的設計力。製作上以龐克精神表現對視覺設計、符號、字體、編排上的思想突破,素材運用電腦運算、刮墨、撕碎等方式去實驗具有破壞感的圖像。成品中部分需要透過觀者手撕、翻折才能看到其隱藏的樣貌,在破壞的同時也創造了不同的觀看方式。整體概念傳達任何作品都有其獨特的亮點,在這個時代裡,不循規蹈矩,唯有突破才能創新。
"Design Punk" is an emerging mysterious organization in 2020, designed for the graduation exhibition of the Department of Visual Communication Design of Chaoyang University. The slogan is "Break, Build."-Breaking is building.
Destroy the golden ratio of humanoids, the balance of arrangement, etc., use the principle of abnormally aesthetic to piece together different methods and conflicts, try to achieve balance in ordered chaos, while constructing new perspectives and try to produce a new design.
The breakthroughs of visual design, symbols, fonts, and layout in the Punk spirit was expressed in the production. The materials use computer calculations, computer-generated imagery, ink squeegeeing, and shredding to experiment with images that are a sense of destruction. Part of the product needs to be torn and folded by the viewer, to see its hidden appearance; it also creates different viewing methods while destroying.
The overall concept conveys that any work has its unique highlights. In this generation, do not follow like sheep; only breakthroughs can make innovation.
"Design Punk" is an emerging mysterious organization in 2020, designed for the graduation exhibition of the Department of Visual Communication Design of Chaoyang University. The slogan is "Break, Build."-Breaking is building.
Destroy the golden ratio of humanoids, the balance of arrangement, etc., use the principle of abnormally aesthetic to piece together different methods and conflicts, try to achieve balance in ordered chaos, while constructing new perspectives and try to produce a new design.
The breakthroughs of visual design, symbols, fonts, and layout in the Punk spirit was expressed in the production. The materials use computer calculations, computer-generated imagery, ink squeegeeing, and shredding to experiment with images that are a sense of destruction. Part of the product needs to be torn and folded by the viewer, to see its hidden appearance; it also creates different viewing methods while destroying.
The overall concept conveys that any work has its unique highlights. In this generation, do not follow like sheep; only breakthroughs can make innovation.
Client: Department of Visual Communication Design, Chaoyang University of Technology
Overall Planning: YingSyuan Lu, YiRu Liao, Yu Chen
Product Design: YingSyuan Lu, HsinYi Shih
Print Design: YingSyuan Lu, HsinYi Shih
Visual Design: TungNan Hu, YiRu Liao, WeiGuang Wu
Motion Graphic: TungNan Hu, ChiChun Chiu
Copywriting: TungNan Hu, WeiGuang Wu
Exhibition Planning: YingSyuan Lu, YiRu Liao, ChiChun Chiu
Exhibition Cooperation:ChangHung Hsieh, YaShen Lee
Marketing Planning: HsinYi Shih, ChiChun Chiu
Supervising Professors: YaoHua Lee, Kuei-To Wang
Photo: Focus Photography Studio, Kyric Studio
Print: Quanfang Color Printing Co., Ltd.
Year: 2020